Pasifika Festival: Auckland celebrates the diversity of its Pacific Island cultures

艺术 & 文化 家庭的乐趣 食物 & 喝 季节性的庆祝活动


如果您正在预订您的 奥克兰之旅 最后一分钟,我们帮你搞定了. 以下是一些顶级旅游和体验!
Coming originally from islands scattered over vast distances in the Pacific Ocean, representatives from eleven nations gather together once a year in Auckland to celebrate and demonstrate their differences and to share, 通过歌舞, 食物和饮料, 是什么让他们每个人都与众不同.

在两天的时间里,我们看到了这个城市的一部分 西泉公园, 帕西菲卡变成了, 从1992年开始, a highlight of the year for not only the locally-resident Pacific peoples it represents, but all those who enjoy their distinctive and colourful cultures.

这个节日 将于今年3月举行.  这是世界上同类中最大的, 它通常吸引60人以上,000游客和特色奥特罗亚新西兰, 库克群岛, 斐济, 夏威夷, 萨摩亚, 纽埃岛, 塔希提岛, 托克劳, 汤加, 图瓦卢和所罗门群岛.  每个国家由一队表演者代表, 工匠和厨师, 谁住在自己独立的村庄里.  Here visitors can be introduced to the individual cultures, 买他们的手工艺品, 吃真正煮熟的食物, 观看母语演唱音乐会, 和跳舞, 传统的和现代的.

While naturally the festival villages have common elements, deriving from their origins in similar physical environments, being able to compare the different cultures side-by-side allows for a fascinating insight into how the same experiences and materials can be interpreted, 和使用, so differently: from legends and beliefs to clothing and cuisine.

在土灶里用热岩石烹饪的常用方法, 例如, 可以看到, 尝起来就像奥特罗亚的Māori hangi, 萨摩亚umu或斐济lovo, 他们的独特性受到赞赏. 

食物 ingredients can differ: this is your chance to try and compare kumara, 木薯芋头, 或者同时喝图瓦卢kaveve和斐济kava.  Be brave and eat parts of a chicken you’d never considered as food before.  试试青香蕉和黑蜂蜜, or maybe play it safe with spit-roast or barbecued pork with mango bread, 接着是菠萝和冰淇淋圣代, 就着西瓜奶昔下肚.

服装, 由有时相同的原料制成的, 在每个国家采取完全不同的形式和设计.  There is no better way to appreciate this than to watch the energetic performances that teams of traditionally-dressed performers present throughout the weekend in each village. 

The islands’ styles of song and dance are also quite distinct, their only common feature being their irresistible magnetism to their audiences, who sit happily on the grass to watch the programmes scheduled on each village’s stage.  还有一个更大的舞台供群众表演, which can be spectacular both to see and to hear; international and headline acts take place here too.

Art and crafts are culturally important and you will see many varied handcrafts being demonstrated.  这些不仅包括预期的, 像夏威夷花蕾, Māori鱼钩雕刻, 纽埃岛an编织, Tuvalu mat-making or beautiful Cook Islands applique tivaevae quilts being sewn, 还有实际的现场纹身, 此次地震并完成引发萨摩亚式的, 用传统乐器.

You might see a wedding ceremony enacted, or take part in a weaving workshop. 会有鼓和四弦琴演奏, 椰子有无数的用途, 芬芳的花朵被制成美丽的花朵, 和谄媚的, 头巾.  不管你的兴趣是什么, you will find something in this unique collection of villages that will draw you in, 给你回忆, 和更多的, 带走.

The Pasifika Festival is an important celebration of Auckland’s Pacific heritage and a valued reinforcement of the cultural origins of many of its citizens, 谁渴望与游客分享这一切.  它也是一个活泼多彩的城市, positive and welcoming day out for anyone who wants to learn a little, 多吃和, 最重要的是, 玩得开心.

  • 节日的门票是免费的,适合家庭参观.
  • 工作时间为星期六.早上8点到7点.下午5点(村庄5点关闭).下午10时)及星期日10时.早上10点到4点.00pm.
  • 节日照常举行,风雨无阻. 如果天气晴朗,一定要涂防晒霜,戴上帽子. 舒适的鞋子总是一个好主意.
  • Bring a rug, or a folding chair, to lounge on while watching the many performances.
  • You won’t need a picnic - there will be a wide choice of delicious food to try.
  • Consider attending the open-air and inter-denominational church service that begins the session at 10am on Sunday morning - it’s guaranteed that the singing will be spine-tingling.
  • 当你觉得你已经给了太平洋文化应得的, you might like to take the nearby vintage tram and see what is going on at MOTAT next door: Auckland’s Museum of 运输 and Technology has two sites linked by the tram.
  • 奥克兰动物园 is also just along the road and accessible on the tram.