
Our guide to the top 10 experiences in 奥克兰

奥克兰 是不是挤满了家人 景点, captivating attrations formed by nature 和 as you would expect from New Zeal和 a number of hair raising 景点 to experience.  So, we've put together our '前10名 things to do in 奥克兰' to help you get the most out of this vibrant 和 exciting city. 

1.  Skytower

新西兰最高的建筑, this 328 metres tower offers breathtaking views for up to 80 kilometres in every direction.  寻求刺激的人会喜欢的 人行天桥Skyjump.  的re's also a sky lounge for light refreshments, 天文台餐厅和轨道, 360度旋转餐厅.
2. 在怀特玛塔港航行

的re's good reason why 奥克兰 is nicknamed the 'City of Sails'.  到港口的水域去游泳 港口巡航, jump on board a jetboat, experience a race on an 美洲杯游艇 or, charter your own boat 和 enjoy the glorious views along with the locals.3.  战争纪念博物馆

奥克兰战争纪念博物馆 位于 奥克兰域 的近郊 帕内尔 和 holds the world's finest collection of Maori treasures.  You can also see a traditional Maori Culture Performance (run 3 times a day).  
4. Waiheke岛

Waiheke is also known as 的 Isl和 of Wine, because of the number of vineyards.  40分钟 渡轮 from 奥克兰 lets you do a spot of wine-tasting, 参观工艺工作室, gorgeous beaches 和 go on some great walking trails. For around $50 you can purchase a return ferry ticket, 1.5 hour guided tour of the isl和 和 unlimited bus travel around the isl和.
5.  Rangitoto岛

Rangitoto岛 实际上是一座休眠火山.  这个岛是受保护的荒野, 深受徒步旅行者欢迎, 和 there are guided tours to take visitors around the intriguing lava caves, 岩层和波胡图卡瓦森林.  Two ferries run from 奥克兰 every day with the last ferry leaving the isl和 at 4.00pm.
6.  伊甸山。

For panoramic views of 奥克兰, head to 伊甸山。位于城南2公里处. An easy stroll to the summit will reward you with the best views of the city 和 surrounding area.
7. Waitekere范围

Only 40mins from the heart of 奥克兰, the Waitakere范围 提供40,000 acres of rainforest 和 rugged coastline, 250公里的步行道, 还有一些令人叹为观止的瀑布.8. 大浪滩

奥克兰's east coast has many white, s和y beaches, most of which are suitable for swimming.  大浪 is the most famous beach 和 most 图标ic, that's also a favourite with surfers.  大浪 is about 45 minutes drive west of 奥克兰.
9. 奥克兰海港大桥

享受外出散步, up, over 和 through the 奥克兰 Harbour Bridge with amazing views of the city that you won't get anywhere else.  预定一次蹦极 AJ哈克特 to enjoy the views of Waitamata Harbour as you hurtle towards the ocean!
10. 德文波特

美丽的小镇 德文波特 is a 12 minute ferry from 奥克兰 和 runs on a regular basis.  的re's plenty of arts 和 craft shops, cafes, restaurants 和 eye catching views.  Head up 维多利亚山 to enjoy stunning views of the 奥克兰 skyline.